Green Motors : Introduction to Modern Electric-motors

Electric motors have been discovered back in the 17th century but they were run by battery and lacks the power to run vehicles or other large devices. The very first motors ran on direct current until induction motors came in which revolutionised the Industries. The industrial model was first designed by our well known Nicholas Tesla. With the revolution of the electric gadgets, the electric car company named Tesla was founded by Elon Musk and the first Electric car came into existence. For revolution of the electric transportation sector the revolution of the electric motors were essential. In this article we will take a brief look into the different type of cool Motors than allow Carbon Free efficient output unlike engines which result is tremendous air pollution. Since most used form of electricity is AC and since it can supply large amount of current and voltage, motors run by AC i.e. induction motor are of more importance.

Some modern electric-mortors

Magnomatics Motor

This motor incorporates reins of permanent magnets that rotate, there is no contact between these reins and an outside field is produced by the stationary windings. This setup has high top density and so it can drive loads directly instead of having to use a gear box. So it is also called the Pseudo Electric Drive.

YASA Axial Motor

Axial motors produces the flux axially, unlike normal radial motors these are tricky to built but YASA have many manufacturing problems. It give a power output of 10 kiloWatts per kg.This has capability of making highly efficient motors. 

EVO Axial Motors

EVO makes one of the most power and efficient high density axial motors. They are another company that has overcome the manufacturing issues with the axial design. This motor incorporates permanent magnets and two stators which allow wide range of speed control. It is liquid cool b conventional water-glycol so no extra heat pumps are needed. Overall, it is scalable and thus can be used in electric cars and turbines.

Supra Festo Motor

This is the next generation wrap drive module is a Festo Super drive motor concept that work on a Holy Grail type of motor concept. This drive makes use of superconductors which exhibit zero magnetic resistance and can provide strong magnetic fields. It is a high torque low speed motor which would most probably be used in robotics or certain industries and in space machines. But superconductors needs to be cryogenically cooled, so it is difficult. If in future we can find superconductors in room temperatures, then it would be a revolution for motor industries.

Magnax Axial Motor

These are one of the most efficient and powerful motor out there. On design it can produce about 50 kiloWatts per kg, which is the largest ao far. It utilizes 100% of its winding makin it scalable from a few inches to several meters. It is said to be capable of running in direct drive and also in parallel with other motors. It can be used is many versatile area from electric cars to wind turbines. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Motors

In the modern times, it is more important to have green modes capable of meeting our needs. But engines normally use fossil fools to power up. Electricity driven motors are the only alternatives. So we must invest heavily on the development of modern electric motors which are both torque speed and energy efficient. The above modern motors have promising future in these fields. Tesla has already shown the world that it is possible to make road vehicles electric by developing efficient electric cars. One of the major issue with electric cars is that it requires a lot of energy and storage becomes a problem. Tesla addressed this issue by introducing a collection of batteries in series and parallel to maximise the current and voltage output. With more research work going on in these feild electric transport will soon me a trending reality. The concept of Hyperloop introduces another awesome motor with a linear stator. 

So lets have hope with a green future ahead. #Go Green

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